UU Hymn Accompaniment Tracks

The Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network (UUMN) supports and promotes the use of live music in worship. Recognizing that congregational resources can be limited, however, we are pleased to offer these accompaniment tracks for use in Unitarian Universalist (UU) settings. We (the UUMN) have been blessed with a generous donation which has made the recording of four hymn accompaniment tracks possible for music found in Singing the Living Tradition and Singing the Journey. This material is offered as a service to the UU Community. Though free of charge, the files are not intended for redistribution or performance outside of UU settings.

Below you will find two versions of each hymn: one is the piano accompaniment only and the other is the piano accompaniment with saxophone playing the vocal melody. Each file has been created to represent the music as notated in the hymnal. Hymns without a notated introduction have had an additional "verse" added so that the first time through is an introduction.

The UUMN is interested in how UU music leaders use this music to enhance their music ministry. This feedback will be used to determine whether or not the UUMN should pursue the recording of additional accompaniment tracks. Please send your feedback to the UUMN Director of Publications: Scott Roewe ([email protected]).

Great care was put into creating these tracks. We hope you find them useful.

(To download, right-click on desired track and select "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As..." from menu).

Comfort Me #1002 from Singing the Journey - Mimi Bornstein, used with permission.

File #1 - Comfort Me - Piano accompaniment only

File #2 - Comfort Me - Piano accompaniment with saxophone melody

De Colores #305 from Singing the Living Tradition - public domain, arr. used with permission UUA

File #1 - De Colores - Piano accompaniment only

File #2 - De Colores - Piano accompaniment with saxophone melody

The Fire of Commitment #1028 from Singing the Journey - Jason Shelton, used with permission

File #1 - The Fire of Commitment - Piano accompaniment only

File #2 - The Fire of Commitment - Piano accompaniment with saxophone melody

Gather the Spirit #347 from Singing the Living Tradition - Jim Scott, used with permission

File #1 - Gather the Spirit - Piano accompaniment only

File #2 - Gather the Spirit - Piano accompaniment with saxophone melody

The UU Musicians Network provides these accompaniments as a free service. However, your donation will help to support the creation of additional music files and other services to benefit our Unitarian Universalist congregations.

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