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Music in Our Congregations - A Handbook for Staffing a Music Program in UU Congregations Booklet provides a step by step guide to hiring music staff with sample advertisements, job descriptions, contracts. Published by UUMN.


alt Free download - Music in Our Congregations - booklet format (PDF)

alt Free download - Music in Our Congregations - continuous pages format (PDF)

Cover of Choral Response Book

Choral Response Book - Forty five introits, responses composed by UU composers. Published by UUMN.

$7.50 each

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May This Light Shine - A Songbook for Children and Youth - Thirty UU friendly songs composed by UU’s. Perfect for use in RE, Children/Youth Choirs and Intergenerational Services. CD’s provide teaching capabilities and accompaniment when no musician is available. Published by UUMN.

Singer’s book - 6” x 9”, spiral bound, contains lyrics and melody line only and some guitar chords. $8.00 each

Director/Accompanist book - 8.5” x 11”, spiral bound, contains lyrics, melody line, some guitar chords and piano accompaniment. $14.00 each

Bundle - includes 5 Singer’s books and 1 Director/Accompanist book. $45.00 each

Companion Accompaniment CD with May This Light Shine songbook for accompaniment purposes only when live accompaniment is not available, piano and flute only, no lyrics. Published by UU Musicians Network. $15.00 each

Companion Tutorial CD with May This Light Shine songbook for teaching purchases only with conditional permission to duplicate. Published by UU Musicians Network. $25.00 each

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  8. https://www.nigerianvirtuallibrary.com/
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  10. https://cispaces.org/
  11. https://civiliandefenseforce.org/
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  14. https://www.njconsumeraffairs.com/
  15. https://www.ioba2020.org/
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