UU Childrens Choir 2016
Madison, WI
July 19 - 24


Picture of UU Children's Choir

Read the UU World article about UUCC 2013 Dallas

What is UU Childrens Choir?

The UU Children’s Choir began in 2000 as a project of the UU Musician’s Network and an extension of our mission. The goal was to provide an experience for UU children they could not get anywhere else: learn excellent musical skills, sing in and live among a large group of UU’s and strengthen their UU identity so they might be inspired as life-long UU’s. The UUCC happens every 3 or 4 years in conjunction with a UU conference; either the General Assembly or the UU Musician’s Network Conference.

The choir may consist of up to 90 dedicated and enthusiastic treble singers who will be 10, 11, or 12 years of age during the conference. Applicants are active in their congregation’s music program, or in school or community music programs. The UUCC is appropriate for children who can handle a 5-day overnight camp experience away from family, living and working in cooperation with other children and adults.

The next UU Children’s Choir is scheduled to be held in 2016 in conjunction with the UU Musicians Network summer conference in Madison, WI July 19-24, 2016. Stay tuned for more details.

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