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Our current featured video is All Shall Be Well by UUMN member Angela Salvaggione. It won an honorable mention in the 2014 Silliman Hymn Contest. For information regarding copies of the music and the use of this song please contact Angela Salvaggione at [email protected]. You can also visit her website at http://angelapiano.com/music/.

“All Shall Be Well”, Story Behind the Song – by Angela Salvaggione
In the hectic, chaotic, hustle and bustle of my everyday life, having even just a short moment to be centered, to be quiet, to be still is a welcome time of re-energizing. Often, when events come from all sides and cause so many things to be insurmountable, it’s good to remember that, indeed, all manner of thing shall be well.

When our minister, Ashley Horan, asked that I set Julian of Norwich’s text, I was very happy to do so. It is such a simple, comforting text that allows for a simple, heartfelt melody. The descant may either be sung or played on a solo instrument.

As a composer, I have two primary foci: church music and music for woodwinds. When writing church vocal music, I tend to write for smaller groups, such as two- or three-part rather than SATB. I strive to have all parts easy to sing and to share the melody with each of the vocal parts. As a private music instructor, I write much solo and small ensemble music for my own students, particularly for bassoon and for clarinet. Other music I write is for the woodwind quintet I play in and short piano pieces that can be used as service music.

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